Jonathan has over 10 years’ investor relations experience across various sectors both in-house and in advisory businesses. He has a wealth of knowledge and expertise advising senior management teams in private and public companies. He began his career in investor relations at Petrofac Services Limited before then specialising in healthcare and life sciences financial PR. Jonathan joined ICR Consilium in 2024 and has a BA (Hons) in Business from the University of Liverpool.


When not at work, where would we likely find you?

Running along the Thames path around Richmond or having a nice lunch where I definitely would have ordered too much food.


What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

That ‘no one has ever lived this day before, so it is an opportunity for you to do the best that you can and make a difference.’ This was said by my physics teacher in secondary school as the class was playing up……following this, there wasn’t a peep out of anyone for the rest of the lesson, and it has stuck with me ever since.


What is your idea of a perfect day?

Waking up on a sunny morning after a nice long lie in, in a country I have never visited, followed by a big breakfast ahead of venturing out to explore the local culture, cuisine and beverages that are on offer.

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